Vastu Shastra

Vastu Shastra VAASTU SHASTRA is a voluminous and scattered ancient indian literature dealing with knowledge of architecture, iconography and art relating to structures and buildings. It comprise of independent works which are classified under the general heading of vaastu shastra. The word " VAASTU " has been derived from ' VAASTOSHPATI ' used in ' Rig Veda ' and is meant to provide protection, hapiness and prosperity in this life as well as after death.

Rig Veda Says : Vaastshpart Prati Jati Hachasman Tvavesho Atbhivo Bhavath||
Yat Tvameh Prati Natro Jushsvshan no Bhav Dvipad sha Chatushpade||

It is prayer to Vaastu purusha and means : Oh God of structures and building, we are your devotees. Listen our prayer, make us free of disease, give wealth and prosperity, help the well being of all persons and animals living in the house. Everything in this world is made of five fundamental elements - Earth, Water, Fire, Wind and Sky. Principles of Vaastu Shastra are mainly dependent on the arrangement of five essential elements of the world i.e. Earth, Water, Fire, Air & sky in their proper order and proportions to have better living conditions in a building.

The science of Vaastu is considered an integral part of the Indian architecture. According to modern historians Ferguson, Havell and Cunningham, this science developed during the period of 6000 BC and 3000 BC. Being a technical subject, it was confined only to the architects (Sthapathis) and handed over verbally or in the form of hand-written monographs. The principles of construction, architecture and sculpture, as enunciated in the treatises on temple architecture, have been incorporated in the science of Vaastu.

In the Matsya Purana, seventeen preceptors of Vaastu have been mentioned. They are Bhrugu, Atri, Vasista, Viswakarma, Maya, Narada, Nagnajit, Visalaksha, Purandara, Brahma, Kumaraswamy, Nandisa, Sounaka, Bhargava, Vasudeva, Anirudha, Sukra and Bruhaspathi. The first official treatise on Vaastu, the Kasyapa Silpa, has been attributed to Sage Kasyapa. In the treatise Agama Shastra, which explains the science of temples, Vaastu is considered as the basis for any type of construction. Excavations at Harappa and Mohenjodaro also indicate the influence of Vaastu on the Indus Valley Civilization.

In vaastu, east and north direction are given great importance. The suns rays, being a rich source of vitamin D are vital for the sustenance of life on earth; and the rays early in the morning from the east emitting more light and less heat are the best. Doors and windows in the east would allow the suns ultra violet rays to penetrate into the house, bestowing their benefits to the inmates of the house. In the afternoon on the other hand the sun would be coursing to the west emitting infra red rays which are detrimental to the health and hence less number of windows and thick walls in the rooms in west and Southwest. Lord Brahma,. the powerful four-headed sub creator of our universe. The centre of all buildings should be reserved for his auspicious presence.

The science of Vaastu is part of the Stapatya Veda which is part of the Atharva Veda. The latter is regarded as one of the four Vedas which taken together comprise many thousands of volumes. The four Vedas consist of philosophical treatises called Upanishads and are educational discourses between the Vedic sages (rishis) and their disciples.

Normal Vastu Consultation : Rs.7100.00
Full Vastu Consultation : Rs.15000.00

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